Chainer 入门教程(11)基于CIFAR数据集的卷积网络训练

Posted by 徐志平 on December 28, 2017


CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 数据集介绍





from __future__ import print_function
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import chainer
%matplotlib inline
basedir = './images'


Chainer中准备chainer.datasets.get_cifar10方法来获取CIFAR-10数据集。数据集仅自动从 下载,第二次使用缓存。

train, test = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10()

Downloading from

数据集结构与MNIST数据集完全相同,即TupleDatasettrain[i] 代表第i个数据,有50000个训练数据。测试数据结构相同,有10000个测试数据。

print('len(train), type ', len(train), type(train))
print('len(test), type ', len(test), type(test))

len(train), type  50000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>
len(test), type  10000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>

train[i] 表示第i个数据,type=tuple ($x_i,y_i$), 其中$x_i$是图像数据,$y_i$是标签数据.

train[i][0] 表示CIFAR-10图像数据$x_i$,,这是3维阵列(3,32,32),分别表示RGB通道,宽度32px,高度32px。

train[i][1] 表示CIFAR-10图像数据(标量)的标签$y_i$,这是标量值,其实际标签可以被LABELS_LIST转换。ted by LABELS_LIST.


print('train[0]', type(train[0]), len(train[0]))
x0, y0 = train[0]
print('train[0][0]', x0.shape, x0)
print('train[0][1]', y0.shape, y0, '->', CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST[y0])
train[0] <class 'tuple'> 2
train[0][0] (3, 32, 32) [[[ 0.23137257  0.16862746  0.19607845 ...,  0.61960787  0.59607846
  [ 0.0627451   0.          0.07058824 ...,  0.48235297  0.4666667
    0.4784314 ]
  [ 0.09803922  0.0627451   0.19215688 ...,  0.46274513  0.47058827
  [ 0.81568635  0.78823537  0.77647066 ...,  0.627451    0.21960786
  [ 0.70588237  0.67843139  0.72941178 ...,  0.72156864  0.38039219
  [ 0.69411767  0.65882355  0.7019608  ...,  0.84705889  0.59215689

 [[ 0.24313727  0.18039216  0.18823531 ...,  0.51764709  0.49019611
  [ 0.07843138  0.          0.03137255 ...,  0.34509805  0.32549021
  [ 0.09411766  0.02745098  0.10588236 ...,  0.32941177  0.32941177
  [ 0.66666669  0.60000002  0.63137257 ...,  0.52156866  0.12156864
  [ 0.54509807  0.48235297  0.56470591 ...,  0.58039218  0.24313727
  [ 0.56470591  0.50588238  0.55686277 ...,  0.72156864  0.46274513

 [[ 0.24705884  0.17647059  0.16862746 ...,  0.42352945  0.40000004
    0.4039216 ]
  [ 0.07843138  0.          0.         ...,  0.21568629  0.19607845
  [ 0.08235294  0.          0.03137255 ...,  0.19607845  0.19607845
  [ 0.37647063  0.13333334  0.10196079 ...,  0.27450982  0.02745098
  [ 0.37647063  0.16470589  0.11764707 ...,  0.36862746  0.13333334
  [ 0.45490199  0.36862746  0.34117648 ...,  0.54901963  0.32941177
train[0][1] () 6 -> frog
def plot_cifar(filepath, data, row, col, scale=3., label_list=None):
    fig_width = data[0][0].shape[1] / 80 * row * scale
    fig_height = data[0][0].shape[2] / 80 * col * scale
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(row, 
                             figsize=(fig_height, fig_width))
    for i in range(row * col):
        # train[i][0] is i-th image data with size 32x32
        image, label_index = data[i]
        image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        r, c = divmod(i, col)
        axes[r][c].imshow(image)  # cmap='gray' is for black and white picture.
        if label_list is None:
            axes[r][c].set_title('label {}'.format(label_index))
            axes[r][c].set_title('{}: {}'.format(label_index, label_list[label_index]))
        axes[r][c].axis('off')  # do not show axis value
    plt.tight_layout()   # automatic padding between subplots
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot.png'), train, 4, 5, 
           scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)


plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_plot_more.png'), train, 10, 10, 
           scale=4., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)



CIFAR-100与CIFAR-10非常相似。 chainer.datasets.get_cifar100方法在Chainer中准备得到CIFAR-100数据集。

    'apple', 'aquarium_fish', 'baby', 'bear', 'beaver', 'bed', 'bee', 'beetle', 
    'bicycle', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'boy', 'bridge', 'bus', 'butterfly', 'camel', 
    'can', 'castle', 'caterpillar', 'cattle', 'chair', 'chimpanzee', 'clock', 
    'cloud', 'cockroach', 'couch', 'crab', 'crocodile', 'cup', 'dinosaur', 
    'dolphin', 'elephant', 'flatfish', 'forest', 'fox', 'girl', 'hamster', 
    'house', 'kangaroo', 'keyboard', 'lamp', 'lawn_mower', 'leopard', 'lion',
    'lizard', 'lobster', 'man', 'maple_tree', 'motorcycle', 'mountain', 'mouse',
    'mushroom', 'oak_tree', 'orange', 'orchid', 'otter', 'palm_tree', 'pear',
    'pickup_truck', 'pine_tree', 'plain', 'plate', 'poppy', 'porcupine',
    'possum', 'rabbit', 'raccoon', 'ray', 'road', 'rocket', 'rose',
    'sea', 'seal', 'shark', 'shrew', 'skunk', 'skyscraper', 'snail', 'snake',
    'spider', 'squirrel', 'streetcar', 'sunflower', 'sweet_pepper', 'table',
    'tank', 'telephone', 'television', 'tiger', 'tractor', 'train', 'trout',
    'tulip', 'turtle', 'wardrobe', 'whale', 'willow_tree', 'wolf', 'woman',
train_cifar100, test_cifar100 = chainer.datasets.get_cifar100()
Downloading from




print('len(train_cifar100), type ', len(train_cifar100), type(train_cifar100))
print('len(test_cifar100), type ', len(test_cifar100), type(test_cifar100))
print('train_cifar100[0]', type(train_cifar100[0]), len(train_cifar100[0]))
x0, y0 = train_cifar100[0]
print('train_cifar100[0][0]', x0.shape)  # , x0
print('train_cifar100[0][1]', y0.shape, y0)
len(train_cifar100), type  50000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>
len(test_cifar100), type  10000 <class 'chainer.datasets.tuple_dataset.TupleDataset'>
train_cifar100[0] <class 'tuple'> 2
train_cifar100[0][0] (3, 32, 32)
train_cifar100[0][1] () 19
plot_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar100_plot_more.png'), train_cifar100,
           10, 10, scale=4., label_list=CIFAR100_LABELS_LIST)



import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L

class CNNMedium(chainer.Chain):
    def __init__(self, n_out):
        super(CNNMedium, self).__init__()
        with self.init_scope():
            self.conv1 = L.Convolution2D(None, 16, 3, 1)
            self.conv2 = L.Convolution2D(16, 32, 3, 2)
            self.conv3 = L.Convolution2D(32, 32, 3, 1)
            self.conv4 = L.Convolution2D(32, 64, 3, 2)
            self.conv5 = L.Convolution2D(64, 64, 3, 1)
            self.conv6 = L.Convolution2D(64, 128, 3, 2)
            self.fc7 = L.Linear(None, 100)
            self.fc8 = L.Linear(100, n_out)
    def __call__(self, x):
        h = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        h = F.relu(self.conv2(h))
        h = F.relu(self.conv3(h))
        h = F.relu(self.conv4(h))
        h = F.relu(self.conv5(h))
        h = F.relu(self.conv6(h))
        h = F.relu(self.fc7(h))
        h = self.fc8(h)
        return h


$H_I \times W_I \times CH_I \times CH_O \times k^2$

$CH_I$ : 输入图像通道数 $CH_O$ : 输出图像通道数 $H_I$ : 输入图像高度 $W_I$ : 输入图像宽度 $k$ : 内核大小(假设宽度和高度相同)



训练 CIFAR-10


from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L
from chainer import training, iterators, serializers, optimizers
from import extensions

archs = {
    'cnnmedium': CNNMedium,
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cifar-10 CNN example')
parser.add_argument('--arch', '-a', choices=archs.keys(),
                    default='cnnmedium', help='Convnet architecture')
parser.add_argument('--batchsize', '-b', type=int, default=64,
                    help='Number of images in each mini-batch')
parser.add_argument('--epoch', '-e', type=int, default=20,
                    help='Number of sweeps over the dataset to train')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=int, default=-1,
                    help='GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)')
parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', default='result-cifar10',
                    help='Directory to output the result')
parser.add_argument('--resume', '-r', default='',
                    help='Resume the training from snapshot')
args = parser.parse_args(['-g','0'])
print('GPU: {}'.format(args.gpu))
print('# Minibatch-size: {}'.format(args.batchsize))
print('# epoch: {}'.format(args.epoch))
GPU: 0
# Minibatch-size: 64
# epoch: 20
# 1. Setup model
class_num = 10
model = archs[args.arch](n_out=class_num)
classifier_model = L.Classifier(model)
if args.gpu >= 0:
    chainer.cuda.get_device(args.gpu).use()  # Make a specified GPU current
    classifier_model.to_gpu()  # Copy the model to the GPU
# 2. Setup an optimizer
optimizer = optimizers.Adam()
# 3. Load the CIFAR-10 dataset
train, test = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10()
# 4. Setup an Iterator
train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train, args.batchsize)
test_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(test, args.batchsize,
                                     repeat=False, shuffle=False)
# 5. Setup an Updater
updater = training.StandardUpdater(train_iter, optimizer, device=args.gpu)
# 6. Setup a trainer (and extensions)
trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (args.epoch, 'epoch'), out=args.out)
# Evaluate the model with the test dataset for each epoch
trainer.extend(extensions.Evaluator(test_iter, classifier_model, device=args.gpu))

trainer.extend(extensions.snapshot(), trigger=(1, 'epoch'))
    ['epoch', 'main/loss', 'validation/main/loss',
     'main/accuracy', 'validation/main/accuracy', 'elapsed_time']))
    ['main/loss', 'validation/main/loss'],
    x_key='epoch', file_name='loss.png'))
    ['main/accuracy', 'validation/main/accuracy'],

# Resume from a snapshot
if args.resume:
    serializers.load_npz(args.resume, trainer)
# Run the training
epoch       main/loss   validation/main/loss  main/accuracy  validation/main/accuracy  elapsed_time
     total [..................................................]  0.64%
this epoch [######............................................] 12.80%
       100 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
       inf iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:00.
     total [..................................................]  1.28%
this epoch [############......................................] 25.60%
       200 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
    125.61 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:02.799182.
     total [..................................................]  1.92%
this epoch [###################...............................] 38.40%
       300 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
    126.41 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:01.228643.
     total [#.................................................]  2.56%
this epoch [#########################.........................] 51.20%
       400 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
    126.96 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:59.915494.
     total [#.................................................]  3.20%
this epoch [################################..................] 64.00%
       500 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
    127.31 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:58.799905.
     total [#.................................................]  3.84%
this epoch [######################################............] 76.80%
       600 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
     127.5 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:57.844706.
     total [##................................................]  4.48%
this epoch [############################################......] 89.60%
       700 iter, 0 epoch / 20 epochs
    127.62 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:56.947000.
1           1.63966     1.37119               0.391584       0.497811                  7.3451        
     total [##................................................]  5.12%
this epoch [#.................................................]  2.40%
       800 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.44 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:11.847638.
     total [##................................................]  5.76%
this epoch [#######...........................................] 15.20%
       900 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.07 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:09.084668.
     total [###...............................................]  6.40%
this epoch [##############....................................] 28.00%
      1000 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.23 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:06.920558.
     total [###...............................................]  7.04%
this epoch [####################..............................] 40.80%
      1100 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
     116.3 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:04.891163.
     total [###...............................................]  7.68%
this epoch [##########################........................] 53.60%
      1200 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
    117.24 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:03.035187.
     total [####..............................................]  8.32%
this epoch [#################################.................] 66.40%
      1300 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
     118.1 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:01.294570.
     total [####..............................................]  8.96%
this epoch [#######################################...........] 79.20%
      1400 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
    118.83 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:59.703835.
     total [####..............................................]  9.60%
this epoch [##############################################....] 92.00%
      1500 iter, 1 epoch / 20 epochs
    119.39 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:58.311100.
2           1.27853     1.19743               0.540013       0.573646                  14.2082       
     total [#####.............................................] 10.24%
this epoch [##................................................]  4.80%
      1600 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
     113.3 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:03.789080.
     total [#####.............................................] 10.88%
this epoch [########..........................................] 17.60%
      1700 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.13 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:02.007898.
     total [#####.............................................] 11.52%
this epoch [###############...................................] 30.40%
      1800 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.76 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:02:00.466795.
     total [######............................................] 12.16%
this epoch [#####################.............................] 43.20%
      1900 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.41 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:58.924804.
     total [######............................................] 12.80%
this epoch [############################......................] 56.00%
      2000 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    116.07 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:57.383023.
     total [######............................................] 13.44%
this epoch [##################################................] 68.80%
      2100 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    116.61 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:55.984400.
     total [#######...........................................] 14.08%
this epoch [########################################..........] 81.60%
      2200 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    117.11 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:54.632769.
     total [#######...........................................] 14.72%
this epoch [###############################################...] 94.40%
      2300 iter, 2 epoch / 20 epochs
    117.56 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:53.342540.
3           1.11089     1.09346               0.604273       0.616143                  21.0442       
     total [#######...........................................] 15.36%
this epoch [###...............................................]  7.20%
      2400 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.63 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:56.384466.
     total [########..........................................] 16.00%
this epoch [##########........................................] 20.00%
      2500 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.14 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:54.990394.
     total [########..........................................] 16.64%
this epoch [################..................................] 32.80%
      2600 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.61 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:53.649835.
     total [########..........................................] 17.28%
this epoch [######################............................] 45.60%
      2700 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.06 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:52.328166.
     total [########..........................................] 17.92%
this epoch [#############################.....................] 58.40%
      2800 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
     115.5 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:51.043157.
     total [#########.........................................] 18.56%
this epoch [###################################...............] 71.20%
      2900 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.91 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:49.781270.
     total [#########.........................................] 19.20%
this epoch [#########################################.........] 84.00%
      3000 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    116.28 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:48.571255.
     total [#########.........................................] 19.84%
this epoch [################################################..] 96.80%
      3100 iter, 3 epoch / 20 epochs
    116.63 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:47.391292.
4           0.993067    1.0149                0.645947       0.640625                  27.909        
     total [##########........................................] 20.48%
this epoch [####..............................................]  9.60%
      3200 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.76 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:49.218342.
     total [##########........................................] 21.12%
this epoch [###########.......................................] 22.40%
      3300 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.13 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:47.991799.
     total [##########........................................] 21.76%
this epoch [#################.................................] 35.20%
      3400 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.48 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:46.784048.
     total [###########.......................................] 22.40%
this epoch [########################..........................] 48.00%
      3500 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.84 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:45.585070.
     total [###########.......................................] 23.04%
this epoch [##############################....................] 60.80%
      3600 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.15 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:44.426766.
     total [###########.......................................] 23.68%
this epoch [####################################..............] 73.60%
      3700 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.47 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:43.271093.
     total [############......................................] 24.32%
this epoch [###########################################.......] 86.40%
      3800 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.69 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:42.215823.
     total [############......................................] 24.96%
this epoch [#################################################.] 99.20%
      3900 iter, 4 epoch / 20 epochs
    115.94 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:41.131895.
5           0.906105    0.981679              0.679028       0.65834                   34.8258       
     total [############......................................] 25.60%
this epoch [######............................................] 12.00%
      4000 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.09 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:42.796864.
     total [#############.....................................] 26.24%
this epoch [############......................................] 24.80%
      4100 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.24 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:41.777657.
     total [#############.....................................] 26.88%
this epoch [##################................................] 37.60%
      4200 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.41 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:40.744638.
     total [#############.....................................] 27.52%
this epoch [#########################.........................] 50.40%
      4300 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.73 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:39.575979.
     total [##############....................................] 28.16%
this epoch [###############################...................] 63.20%
      4400 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.02 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:38.447348.
     total [##############....................................] 28.80%
this epoch [#####################################.............] 76.00%
      4500 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
     114.3 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:37.333849.
     total [##############....................................] 29.44%
this epoch [############################################......] 88.80%
      4600 iter, 5 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.56 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:36.234988.
6           0.829003    0.962217              0.706646       0.663018                  41.9501       
     total [###############...................................] 30.08%
this epoch [..................................................]  1.60%
      4700 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.76 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:36.888072.
     total [###############...................................] 30.72%
this epoch [#######...........................................] 14.40%
      4800 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.02 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:35.775456.
     total [###############...................................] 31.36%
this epoch [#############.....................................] 27.20%
      4900 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.29 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:34.666533.
     total [################..................................] 32.00%
this epoch [####################..............................] 40.00%
      5000 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.54 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:33.582794.
     total [################..................................] 32.64%
this epoch [##########################........................] 52.80%
      5100 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.79 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:32.496581.
     total [################..................................] 33.28%
this epoch [################################..................] 65.60%
      5200 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.06 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:31.402953.
     total [################..................................] 33.92%
this epoch [#######################################...........] 78.40%
      5300 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.29 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:30.342284.
     total [#################.................................] 34.56%
this epoch [#############################################.....] 91.20%
      5400 iter, 6 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.52 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:29.285742.
7           0.762821    0.922659              0.729133       0.682922                  48.8031       
     total [#################.................................] 35.20%
this epoch [##................................................]  4.00%
      5500 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.99 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:29.610861.
     total [#################.................................] 35.84%
this epoch [########..........................................] 16.80%
      5600 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.22 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:28.540957.
     total [##################................................] 36.48%
this epoch [##############....................................] 29.60%
      5700 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.42 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:27.504411.
     total [##################................................] 37.12%
this epoch [#####################.............................] 42.40%
      5800 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.64 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:26.454301.
     total [##################................................] 37.76%
this epoch [###########################.......................] 55.20%
      5900 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.87 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:25.401434.
     total [###################...............................] 38.40%
this epoch [#################################.................] 68.00%
      6000 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.07 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:24.380654.
     total [###################...............................] 39.04%
this epoch [########################################..........] 80.80%
      6100 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.28 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:23.346596.
     total [###################...............................] 39.68%
this epoch [##############################################....] 93.60%
      6200 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.48 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:22.328793.
8           0.698332    0.957248              0.753661       0.672671                  55.6596       
     total [####################..............................] 40.32%
this epoch [###...............................................]  6.40%
      6300 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.13 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:22.426493.
     total [####################..............................] 40.96%
this epoch [#########.........................................] 19.20%
      6400 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.34 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:21.394052.
     total [####################..............................] 41.60%
this epoch [################..................................] 32.00%
      6500 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.53 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:20.372562.
     total [#####################.............................] 42.24%
this epoch [######################............................] 44.80%
      6600 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.73 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:19.354827.
     total [#####################.............................] 42.88%
this epoch [############################......................] 57.60%
      6700 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.93 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:18.340858.
     total [#####################.............................] 43.52%
this epoch [###################################...............] 70.40%
      6800 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
     114.1 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:17.342524.
     total [######################............................] 44.16%
this epoch [#########################################.........] 83.20%
      6900 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.28 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:16.346479.
     total [######################............................] 44.80%
this epoch [################################################..] 96.00%
      7000 iter, 8 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.46 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:15.350704.
9           0.65115     0.937813              0.768942       0.682325                  62.5173       
     total [######################............................] 45.44%
this epoch [####..............................................]  8.80%
      7100 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.15 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:15.342457.
     total [#######################...........................] 46.08%
this epoch [##########........................................] 21.60%
      7200 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.33 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:14.342647.
     total [#######################...........................] 46.72%
this epoch [#################.................................] 34.40%
      7300 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.51 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:13.340419.
     total [#######################...........................] 47.36%
this epoch [#######################...........................] 47.20%
      7400 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.69 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:12.346160.
     total [########################..........................] 48.00%
this epoch [#############################.....................] 60.00%
      7500 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.87 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:11.353393.
     total [########################..........................] 48.64%
this epoch [####################################..............] 72.80%
      7600 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.02 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:10.382495.
     total [########################..........................] 49.28%
this epoch [##########################################........] 85.60%
      7700 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.19 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:09.404675.
     total [########################..........................] 49.92%
this epoch [#################################################.] 98.40%
      7800 iter, 9 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.34 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:08.434026.
10          0.601723    0.937862              0.786852       0.688296                  69.4373       
     total [#########################.........................] 50.56%
this epoch [#####.............................................] 11.20%
      7900 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.26 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:08.208386.
     total [#########################.........................] 51.20%
this epoch [############......................................] 24.00%
      8000 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.41 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:07.235866.
     total [#########################.........................] 51.84%
this epoch [##################................................] 36.80%
      8100 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.57 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:06.261301.
     total [##########################........................] 52.48%
this epoch [########################..........................] 49.60%
      8200 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.72 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:05.289734.
     total [##########################........................] 53.12%
this epoch [###############################...................] 62.40%
      8300 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.86 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:04.330680.
     total [##########################........................] 53.76%
this epoch [#####################################.............] 75.20%
      8400 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.01 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:03.374040.
     total [###########################.......................] 54.40%
this epoch [############################################......] 88.00%
      8500 iter, 10 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.14 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:02.421317.
11          0.544254    0.994541              0.806358       0.699343                  76.3034       
     total [###########################.......................] 55.04%
this epoch [..................................................]  0.80%
      8600 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.19 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:02.064211.
     total [###########################.......................] 55.68%
this epoch [######............................................] 13.60%
      8700 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.33 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:01.102122.
     total [############################......................] 56.32%
this epoch [#############.....................................] 26.40%
      8800 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.48 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:01:00.143439.
     total [############################......................] 56.96%
this epoch [###################...............................] 39.20%
      8900 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.62 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:59.190595.
     total [############################......................] 57.60%
this epoch [#########################.........................] 52.00%
      9000 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.76 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:58.235956.
     total [#############################.....................] 58.24%
this epoch [################################..................] 64.80%
      9100 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.89 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:57.291026.
     total [#############################.....................] 58.88%
this epoch [######################################............] 77.60%
      9200 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.03 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:56.345303.
     total [#############################.....................] 59.52%
this epoch [#############################################.....] 90.40%
      9300 iter, 11 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.17 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:55.401445.
12          0.501473    1.00326               0.821763       0.687898                  83.1545       
     total [##############################....................] 60.16%
this epoch [#.................................................]  3.20%
      9400 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.28 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:54.952157.
     total [##############################....................] 60.80%
this epoch [########..........................................] 16.00%
      9500 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.41 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:54.007632.
     total [##############################....................] 61.44%
this epoch [##############....................................] 28.80%
      9600 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.54 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:53.065726.
     total [###############################...................] 62.08%
this epoch [####################..............................] 41.60%
      9700 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.66 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:52.126871.
     total [###############################...................] 62.72%
this epoch [###########################.......................] 54.40%
      9800 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.79 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:51.189483.
     total [###############################...................] 63.36%
this epoch [#################################.................] 67.20%
      9900 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.91 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:50.256781.
     total [################################..................] 64.00%
this epoch [########################################..........] 80.00%
     10000 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.04 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:49.326404.
     total [################################..................] 64.64%
this epoch [##############################################....] 92.80%
     10100 iter, 12 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.15 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:48.401125.
13          0.458805    1.0016                0.835478       0.69586                   90.0334       
     total [################################..................] 65.28%
this epoch [##................................................]  5.60%
     10200 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.16 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:47.938875.
     total [################################..................] 65.92%
this epoch [#########.........................................] 18.40%
     10300 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.16 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:47.056687.
     total [#################################.................] 66.56%
this epoch [###############...................................] 31.20%
     10400 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.15 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:46.178907.
     total [#################################.................] 67.20%
this epoch [#####################.............................] 44.00%
     10500 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.13 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:45.300128.
     total [#################################.................] 67.84%
this epoch [############################......................] 56.80%
     10600 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.12 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:44.423722.
     total [##################################................] 68.48%
this epoch [##################################................] 69.60%
     10700 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.11 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:43.541908.
     total [##################################................] 69.12%
this epoch [#########################################.........] 82.40%
     10800 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.05 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:42.304912.
     total [##################################................] 69.76%
this epoch [###############################################...] 95.20%
     10900 iter, 13 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.06 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:41.427012.
14          0.41086     1.0577                0.855374       0.688993                  96.974        
     total [###################################...............] 70.40%
this epoch [####..............................................]  8.00%
     11000 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.12 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:40.885069.
     total [###################################...............] 71.04%
this epoch [##########........................................] 20.80%
     11100 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.13 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:39.999143.
     total [###################################...............] 71.68%
this epoch [################..................................] 33.60%
     11200 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.13 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:39.114540.
     total [####################################..............] 72.32%
this epoch [#######################...........................] 46.40%
     11300 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.12 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:38.235042.
     total [####################################..............] 72.96%
this epoch [#############################.....................] 59.20%
     11400 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.12 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:37.351202.
     total [####################################..............] 73.60%
this epoch [####################################..............] 72.00%
     11500 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.12 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:36.465431.
     total [#####################################.............] 74.24%
this epoch [##########################################........] 84.80%
     11600 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.07 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:35.286180.
     total [#####################################.............] 74.88%
this epoch [################################################..] 97.60%
     11700 iter, 14 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.06 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:34.412155.
15          0.379527    1.12376               0.864497       0.684713                  103.831       
     total [#####################################.............] 75.52%
this epoch [#####.............................................] 10.40%
     11800 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.11 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:33.815536.
     total [######################################............] 76.16%
this epoch [###########.......................................] 23.20%
     11900 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
     113.1 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:32.934948.
     total [######################################............] 76.80%
this epoch [#################.................................] 36.00%
     12000 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.09 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:32.054541.
     total [######################################............] 77.44%
this epoch [########################..........................] 48.80%
     12100 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.08 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:31.171342.
     total [#######################################...........] 78.08%
this epoch [##############################....................] 61.60%
     12200 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.08 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:30.288670.
     total [#######################################...........] 78.72%
this epoch [#####################################.............] 74.40%
     12300 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.08 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:29.404697.
     total [#######################################...........] 79.36%
this epoch [###########################################.......] 87.20%
     12400 iter, 15 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.03 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:28.282535.
16          0.353034    1.18041               0.87418        0.68949                   110.713       
     total [########################################..........] 80.00%
this epoch [..................................................]  0.00%
     12500 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.25 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:27.594325.
     total [########################################..........] 80.64%
this epoch [######............................................] 12.80%
     12600 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.07 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:26.753266.
     total [########################################..........] 81.28%
this epoch [############......................................] 25.60%
     12700 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.07 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:25.869927.
     total [########################################..........] 81.92%
this epoch [###################...............................] 38.40%
     12800 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.98 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:25.003462.
     total [#########################################.........] 82.56%
this epoch [#########################.........................] 51.20%
     12900 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.98 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:24.120367.
     total [#########################################.........] 83.20%
this epoch [################################..................] 64.00%
     13000 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.97 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:23.236801.
     total [#########################################.........] 83.84%
this epoch [######################################............] 76.80%
     13100 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.97 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:22.350168.
     total [##########################################........] 84.48%
this epoch [############################################......] 89.60%
     13200 iter, 16 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.93 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:21.284692.
17          0.328672    1.24946               0.882133       0.682623                  117.647       
     total [##########################################........] 85.12%
this epoch [#.................................................]  2.40%
     13300 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.99 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:20.577064.
     total [##########################################........] 85.76%
this epoch [#######...........................................] 15.20%
     13400 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.99 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:19.692789.
     total [###########################################.......] 86.40%
this epoch [##############....................................] 28.00%
     13500 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.97 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:18.810314.
     total [###########################################.......] 87.04%
this epoch [####################..............................] 40.80%
     13600 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.98 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:17.924269.
     total [###########################################.......] 87.68%
this epoch [##########################........................] 53.60%
     13700 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    112.97 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:17.039640.
     total [############################################......] 88.32%
this epoch [#################################.................] 66.40%
     13800 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
       113 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:16.150847.
     total [############################################......] 88.96%
this epoch [#######################################...........] 79.20%
     13900 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.01 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:15.263648.
     total [############################################......] 89.60%
this epoch [##############################################....] 92.00%
     14000 iter, 17 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.21 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:14.228447.
18          0.293841    1.30144               0.895387       0.682325                  124.524       
     total [#############################################.....] 90.24%
this epoch [##................................................]  4.80%
     14100 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.33 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:13.456653.
     total [#############################################.....] 90.88%
this epoch [########..........................................] 17.60%
     14200 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
     113.4 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:12.566670.
     total [#############################################.....] 91.52%
this epoch [###############...................................] 30.40%
     14300 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.38 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:11.686217.
     total [##############################################....] 92.16%
this epoch [#####################.............................] 43.20%
     14400 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.38 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:10.804028.
     total [##############################################....] 92.80%
this epoch [###########################.......................] 56.00%
     14500 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.39 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:09.921756.
     total [##############################################....] 93.44%
this epoch [##################################................] 68.80%
     14600 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.38 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:09.040132.
     total [###############################################...] 94.08%
this epoch [########################################..........] 81.60%
     14700 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.32 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:08.091500.
     total [###############################################...] 94.72%
this epoch [###############################################...] 94.40%
     14800 iter, 18 epoch / 20 epochs
    114.33 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:07.215960.
19          0.274091    1.40398               0.901248       0.678344                  131.382       
     total [###############################################...] 95.36%
this epoch [###...............................................]  7.20%
     14900 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.36 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:06.395292.
     total [################################################..] 96.00%
this epoch [#########.........................................] 20.00%
     15000 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.37 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:05.512862.
     total [################################################..] 96.64%
this epoch [################..................................] 32.80%
     15100 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.36 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:04.631149.
     total [################################################..] 97.28%
this epoch [######################............................] 45.60%
     15200 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.34 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:03.749654.
     total [################################################..] 97.92%
this epoch [#############################.....................] 58.40%
     15300 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.34 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:02.867473.
     total [#################################################.] 98.56%
this epoch [###################################...............] 71.20%
     15400 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
    113.34 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:01.985093.
     total [#################################################.] 99.20%
this epoch [#########################################.........] 84.00%
     15500 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
     114.3 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:01.093661.
     total [#################################################.] 99.84%
this epoch [################################################..] 96.80%
     15600 iter, 19 epoch / 20 epochs
     114.3 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 0:00:00.218720.
20          0.263402    1.40445               0.90505        0.683519                  138.239       

                         .format(args.out, args.arch), model)



def plot_predict_cifar(filepath, model, data, row, col,
                       scale=3., label_list=None):
    fig_width = data[0][0].shape[1] / 80 * row * scale
    fig_height = data[0][0].shape[2] / 80 * col * scale
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(row,
                             figsize=(fig_height, fig_width))
    for i in range(row * col):
        # train[i][0] is i-th image data with size 32x32
        image, label_index = data[i]
        xp = cuda.cupy
        x = Variable(xp.asarray(image.reshape(1, 3, 32, 32)))    # test data
        #t = Variable(xp.asarray([test[i][1]]))  # labels
        y = model(x)                              # Inference result
        prediction =
        image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        print('Predicted {}-th image, prediction={}, actual={}'
              .format(i, prediction[0], label_index))
        r, c = divmod(i, col)
        axes[r][c].imshow(image)  # cmap='gray' is for black and white picture.
        if label_list is None:
            axes[r][c].set_title('Predict:{}, Answer: {}'
                                 .format(label_index, prediction[0]))
            pred = int(prediction[0])
            axes[r][c].set_title('Predict:{} {}\nAnswer:{} {}'
                                 .format(label_index, label_list[label_index],
                                         pred, label_list[pred]))
        axes[r][c].axis('off')  # do not show axis value
    plt.tight_layout(pad=0.01)   # automatic padding between subplots
    print('Result saved to {}'.format(filepath))
from chainer import training, iterators, serializers, optimizers, Variable, cuda
basedir = 'images'
plot_predict_cifar(os.path.join(basedir, 'cifar10_predict.png'), model,
                       train, 4, 5, scale=5., label_list=CIFAR10_LABELS_LIST)
Predicted 0-th image, prediction=6, actual=6
Predicted 1-th image, prediction=9, actual=9
Predicted 2-th image, prediction=9, actual=9
Predicted 3-th image, prediction=4, actual=4
Predicted 4-th image, prediction=1, actual=1
Predicted 5-th image, prediction=1, actual=1
Predicted 6-th image, prediction=2, actual=2
Predicted 7-th image, prediction=7, actual=7
Predicted 8-th image, prediction=8, actual=8
Predicted 9-th image, prediction=5, actual=3
Predicted 10-th image, prediction=4, actual=4
Predicted 11-th image, prediction=7, actual=7
Predicted 12-th image, prediction=7, actual=7
Predicted 13-th image, prediction=2, actual=2
Predicted 14-th image, prediction=9, actual=9
Predicted 15-th image, prediction=9, actual=9
Predicted 16-th image, prediction=9, actual=9
Predicted 17-th image, prediction=4, actual=3
Predicted 18-th image, prediction=2, actual=2
Predicted 19-th image, prediction=6, actual=6
Result saved to images/cifar10_predict.png

